I am in a period of my life where God has quieted the noise around me and pulled me out of my
usual schedule to allow me to slow down and listen. I am so grateful that I have this
opportunity of personal growth and I am committed to listening to him as much as I can. That
often means that I am pulled to fearlessly to do things outside of my comfort zone and I am working on getting comfortable in trusting God’s intention. I highly encourage this exploration in your life. You may not be able to completely take a break from your normal daily schedule, but you can start by just slowing down in the morning and having your time with God.
This morning I had an awesome moment that I would just love to share with you. Things started
off as usual as my husband and I hung out with our son and got him ready for daycare. Once I
dropped him off, I was heading home through our neighborhood streets and I approached a
four-way stop sign. It was my turn to go and I began to drive through, when I was abruptly cut
off by the driver to my right who had just ran right through his stop sign. A little shocked, I
beeped my horn. Not obnoxiously but just like, “hey dude, it’s my turn!”. He instantly turned
and strongly held up the back of his hand and flicked me off. This wasn’t a passive or quick
middle finger; it was direct and very angry! I kept driving and noticed him stop his car and
begin to reverse as if he was coming after me. I just kind of laughed to myself wondering how
he had justified this reaction in his head.
Ok, now you’re wondering “Um… Faith Mama, how this is an awesome moment?”. This is why.
Instantly after my chuckle, I began to pray for the man who did that to me. I prayed for peace
in his heart. I recognized that he was either having a horrible morning or maybe he is going
through a rough period in his life. This was an amazing moment for me, because I have always
heard people say that you should pray for others even when they wrong you and that’s
always been something I have struggled with. But today I am grateful, because it wasn’t a
struggle at all. After I prayed, I began to feel honored. What I realized is that God placed him
right there in that moment with me, so that I could say that prayer for him. He needed that and
God trusted me to do it for him. This is a small example of my journey with the Lord, but what
an amazing journey it’s been. This scenario would’ve normally left me distraught, because I
have always been bothered by unwarranted rude behavior. But today was a representation of
my growth. I felt peaceful and surprisingly honored to have been placed in this situation.
Maybe we need to begin looking harder at those people God places in our life. Do they need
something from us? Is God asking us to intervene, even if just a prayer? When God gives you
lemons, say a little prayer and ask him to show you why, you may be surprised.
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