God has been leading me in big ways over the last week. As I write that out, I begin to wonder; is that perspective misleading? What I’m beginning to realize is that God is always leading us, but the question is are we listening? You see, we only get to see the results of his guidance if we listen and follow him. This week he showed me something important.
Last Wednesday, the day of that gorgeous morning by the stream, after concluding my writing I proceeded to get ready for the day. I was in the shower and suddenly had a strong urge to reach out to the mom’s in my neighborhood. This past week I took the leap of faith in joining a renowned skin care company as a consultant. Having done this before, I was reluctant. Reluctant for a few reasons including the fact that I lost momentum my first go around and also reluctant because people tend to judge you when you become a part of a “multi-level-marketing” company. However, this was for me! I was joining because I needed something to be excited about. God called me to that decision and there was no turning back. I instantly knew it was right, why? Because I was suddenly prioritizing self-care, something I had let go for a long long time. That alone makes this decision worth it and the right one for me, but what came next made it even more clear. That feeling I got, the one where I suddenly was so excited to take care of myself was a feeling I desperately wanted to share with other moms. As moms, we tend to put our needs aside. There’s just simply too many things to do for our families to possibly have any time for ourselves, right? Wrong! What I’ve learned is that 10 minutes of this skin care routine has given me a mini-spa experience, minus the cucumber infused water of course.. although there’s nothing stopping you! The point is, 10 minutes of intention for self love can drastically change our entire day. This can be a walk, enjoying a cup of tea, belting your favorite song, or a fabulous skin care routine! So, after that shower I decided to share this with the group of moms in my neighborhood and sent an email to about 15 of them. Nervous but excited, I hit send.
The next morning I received a response from one mom who I have met in passing and her daughter is the same age as my son. She was always so sweet and engaging. She noted that my message resonated with her and she wanted to meet up. We quickly arranged a meeting for later that day. On my way to meet her at the park, I saw a hawk pass over me which has been a recurring thing for me over the last few months. I felt it was confirmation from God, you know – a god wink! My conversation with her flowed very quickly into divulgence of our personal stories. I guess you could say we kinda felt right away that we were meant to be talking and pouring our hearts out to each other. This was very clearly a divine appointment. I quickly realized that this is why I sent that email. It wasn’t to hear back from most of the women, but it was meant for her and I just didn’t know it yet.
It has been about 5 days since that first meeting and we have continued to hang out and share more stories, struggles, and advice. She also introduced me to her church. Something I had been searching for over the last week was a church in my community. The sermon at church this weekend brought this revelation full circle. “The key to being content is trusting God’s intent”. If we listen to our heart and move forward without fear of ridicule and persecution, then we will get to see God’s intent. That’s where we can live out our purpose. We might not always know what it’s for when we are doing it, but if we trust God’s intent and move forward, we will reap the benefit. Have faith and do something that’s been on your heart today.
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